Exposé number rou-a57

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QR-Code Arad Wald kaufen 220 ha Laubwald - rou-ra-a57

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Maintained mixed forest with 220 ha - rou-ra-a57

Exposé number:


City - Town:

310010 Arad



Country: Romania   Infos Property purchase
Property: m²
Sale price: 1.100.000 Euro
ap. 1.159.900 USD
5% vom Kaufpreis buyer commission: to be paid by the buyer upon conclusion of the contract
The property is a deciduous forest consisting mainly of linden and oak + others hard wood.
The surface is 220 ha, with the possibility of extension with the property of the neighbor (170Ha).The two parts form a uniform and compact surface with the possibility of fencing.
The average of the tree is 80 years, with an average volume/ Ha of appoximately 280- 300 square meters.
The geography of the forest consists of valleys and highlands with a level difference of approx. 200/250 meters. Inside the forest there are exploitation roads that make the whole property accessible.
The forest is located about 4 km from the village, but the access road in rainly seasons is quite difficult- in winter or in summer the road is very accessible.
The forest naturally has a fairly rich hunting ground because the forest vegetation atracts livid from the neighboring fields.
The forest has not been exploited in the past decades and this is the reason because has a natural shape and unexploited wood material (aprox. 3000 square meters).
I mentioned the average of tree (80 years), but the forest has some oak species over 200-250 years with a diameter of 3 meters.
From this monuments of the nature there are aprox. 180 pieces which is still in a very good health conditions.
The offer was last updated on March 20, 2025

  1. https://www.efg-immo.com/portal/objekt.1079838.int.html
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